Tuesday, September 30, 2008


September Song

Oh, its a long, long while from may to December
But the days grow short when you reach September
When the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame
One hasn't got time for the waiting game
Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few
September, November,these few precious days Ill spend with you
These precious days Ill spend with you

The end of September! Where did the summer go? We all ask ourselves that question, all the time, or "Where does the time go?" I think this question is something I ask myself this time of the day, everyday, when I glance at my watch, thinking there is lots of time left until having to make dinner. It seems I just got out of bed and soon it will be time to get back into it. Then I think "What did I accomplish?" Well, today, I got up in a terrible mood, grouchy and ready to snap any one's head off. Much like this little picture!
HOWDY...Meet Linda this morning!!!! Maybe it was because the phone rang, before I was really awake, and had to jump out of bed and rush to the phone, bouncing once off the wall as I made my way down the hallway to get whoever was calling at this ungodly hour!! Glancing at the clock along the way, it was 9:05....woops....I should have been up!! It was our travel agent to tell us he'd be away for two weeks, should we happen to need him. Nooooo, I don't think so...not for awhile!!

So, now, I'm up, awake, and grouchy!! Good thing Tom has gone overtime on his computer class. It usually ends at 9! He was safe where he was, until this mood passed!

By the time, I made the bed, got dressed, did my make-up and got breakfast, I was back to myself..whatever that is!! I think as I put on my make-up, I glanced in the mirror and frightened myself!

We had a quiet but nice breakfast, and Tom said, he was still tired, and was going to have a little catnap. Well, I was right beside him and it's amazing what 1/2 hour snooze, will do to make a difference for a mood change!
Tom and I walked up to the Library this lovely sunshine filled Fall day, as one of the books I had requested was my turn to read. This is what I'm reading and only on page 10 and know it's going to be GREAT!!

So, I'm trying to hurry with my blog, so I can get dinner ready, and jump into the bathtub and then in bed, to be cosy and comfy and read, read, read!!

Just a few moments ago, the sun as shining in though the vertical blinds, and I tried to reach over and grab the cord to close them, so I could see this screen. It was barely in my reach, and all of a sudden a huge cramp hit my leg, and right into my foot and toes. My toes, all curled right under and did it hurt!!! I had to call to Tom, as I couldn't move at all. He came running in, got down on his hands and knees and massaged my leg and foot until the cramp left. What pain it was!!! Then, Tom went to get up, fell forward, right into the cat's little house/bed and bumped his head on the wall!! We had a good laugh, over the whole thing and just as I glanced over at him now, all his hair is standing straight up on his head!! Hahaha....I'll wait until he looks in the mirror to see for himself.

So, what started with a grouch, ends with a giggle! And life goes on and tomorrow, we are into October!!! Where does the time go??

Please scroll down for last days blog.

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West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment! In love with a wonderful husband!! A Capreol Girl from 1959-1975, Belleville 1975-1985


Linda's Rambling and Other Things
