Sunday, May 17, 2009



Tom on his 2nd day after quadruple bi-pass surgery!

Can you believe that he had surgery on Friday and this is Sunday! He really is one amazing man. He is off all pain medication, still has the heart monitor which is that white bag, which has the monitor inside of it, and those cables come from it. He still has little wires coming from his heart area, in case the heart isn’t beating properly, they can reset, or fix that,  but it has been keeping a proper rhythms, right from the start. What seems to be bothering him the most is the leg they took the vein out to repair his heart. His chest and leg are full of staples!!

I tried to help move him so he’d be more comfortable, and I’m so scared to move him in any way, in case I cause him pain. Everything on him looks more painful then he says it is.

He’s up using the washroom on his own, which pretty well, exhausts him when he returns to bed. It’s going to take awhile before he chases me around the dining-room table!

Oop’s….after typing the last sentence, Tom called, and the physio gal had just finished having him up and walking the hall with her, which goes in a large circle! What a superman!!

He’s healing and coming along much faster then we ever imagined he would. I noticed though, he’s much quieter today, but then he’s not on the “joy juice” that made him a little high, I believe. I’ve heard that depression can set in after a surgery such as this, so I hope he doesn’t lose that ability to always  make me laugh, and for him to lose his wonderful humour! We still have a long way to go while he recover’s with still much stress, and a few “two steps forward, one step back” days.

As for me, I’m literally worn out!! The stress has done me in and seems to be catching up on me and I’m exhausted! Just getting ready each day and heading into Vancouver and sitting for hours and hours in the hospital room can be harder on the visitor then the patient at times. My eyes have all broken out with red rims and watering all the time, which I think is from the car fumes while walking the 4 blocks to the hospital and waiting for the bus. It’s the only thing I can think of why they have broken out. I’m not using anything different. Maybe I have developed allergies! Who knows!! Or was it all those tears shed this past week with at times tears of fear, and then tears of joy. It’s been quite a week!!! I’m so very thankful for the outcome, and that is all that matters.

Tom is out of the woods now, and I think tomorrow, I will take a day for myself and just catch up on things around home and work at getting the place ready for the patients homecoming which may be sooner then we think, with his incredible recovery. I’ll go get some flowers for the planters, and get that job done while I can, get some groceries and do a little cooking to put in the freezer, so I can devote all my time to giving him tender loving care and undivided attention.

Enjoy the rest of the long weekend!! I hope wherever you are, you have sunshine and warm temperatures and having a fun time. It’s gorgeous here!!!

1 comment:

  1. We're thrilled to hear how well Tom is progressing! ( told you it would be fine !) Please give him our best....

    Hugs, Susan and Bruce


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West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment! In love with a wonderful husband!! A Capreol Girl from 1959-1975, Belleville 1975-1985


Linda's Rambling and Other Things
