Thursday, May 7, 2009


happy face 3

It’s over!!! Two and a half root canals finished today!! My tooth is saved, my pain is gone, the wallet is empty!!

This past week has been one of anxiety, pain, spaced out on drugs and plain misery, since the first root canal procedure on 4 canals in one tooth. This morning at 10 am, I sat myself down in the Endodontist chair for another session while he tried very hard to clear out the calcified root canals that had become infected. The first needle in, hit a nerve and I jumped, and the second needle did the same! The dentist said they always  hope to hit a nerve as it freezes faster and better, so I could now relax. Yeah….right!!

I must admit, the whole two and half hours went very well. They where able to go down one canal  the whole way, and clean it out, the second, they could get down 3/4 of the way, but hopefully it will remain okay as is, and filled it back up again and the third one they got down until the root curved, and that MAY require surgery, but months from now. The fourth root, they couldn’t find, so maybe there isn’t one?????

So, I wait for a month to see if everything settles down, and then go get a cap on it, then hopefully, it will be okay for years more!! All for one tooth, but a very important tooth!!

It’s OVER!!

Thanks to everyone for their kind support and sympathy, and especially a big thank you to my wonderful husband for putting up with my moaning and groaning.

Bill, your e-mail this morning, had me laughing out loud and it was so funny, I had to read  your email over and over, getting a bigger laugh each time!! You and Dianne are wonderful!!!  What a fantastic sense of humour you both have and such wonderful caring people. I love you both!!

So, enough of this hysteria, I’ve been going through and on with other things!

Tomorrow is a new day!!!




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West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment! In love with a wonderful husband!! A Capreol Girl from 1959-1975, Belleville 1975-1985


Linda's Rambling and Other Things
