Friday, July 20, 2012


Amherst Island is located between Belleville and Kingston. I believe it's the start of the 1000 Island Group. There is a ferry that makes the run back and forth from Bath, Ont, and takes approx. 20 minutes to reach Amherst Island.
My sister and brother in law, moved there 2 years ago, and love it there. They love the people,the friendliness and the feeling of how the world once was when everyone helped one other with a sense of community and kindness.
The population during the winter months is only around 350, but increases in the summer with visitors and cottage owners.
Apparently the Government is attempting to install those horrible wind turbines on this pretty Island, which in the process has somewhat divided the Island residents with those that agree to allow them, and the majority who oppose them.
I hear and read in the news, almost every time I open a newspaper, that towns all over Canada, and in fact, the WORLD, are fighting against the wind turbines for various reasons. I don't need to list all the reasons here, as I'm sure we have all read the stories of discontent with the Government against the turbines.
Sometimes, what is being shoved down our throats and decided on with much of politics thrown in, and also who  gets rich with these turbines, is overshadowed by what is really right for the people and our health!
I'm standing with those who oppose!
  To ruin this lovely Island would just be a horrible crime.

 Sunsets here are incredible!
 Canadian Geese!! The neighbour feeds them, and Roxanne and Kass are in a constant battle to keep them off their waterfront property. Their poop is huge and just everywhere and be careful where you walk! Not nice!

 Kass heading down to chase the geese away...again!
 The sun just about to peep over the clouds.
 The sun on it's way to sink below the horizon.
 Irene waving from the deck.
 I use to like these birds! Especially when seen in the Spring, when they flew north and we knew Summer was soon to follow. Now they don't go North far enough and stay too long past Fall.

 Kass and Roxanne took us for a tour of Amherst Island...beautiful!

 Irene, Roxanne and Kass
 Good heavens! I look like a dried apple head doll! Gravity is showing on my face badly! That's my lovely Sis beside me!
 Don't see these fellow's in Vancouver! The cows I mean!

 We stopped at a very old cemetery, surrounded by a lovely Irish stone wall. The stones mostly had Irish names and they didn't live long lives.
Kass reading the old tombstones.

 Irene looking lovely in the scenery.

Such a scenic place. Roxanne heading down to Lake Ontario
 Ain't she sweet! That's my Sis!
 I think this is the South Shore and Irene and Kass taking in the scenery.
 We stopped at a friend's place and I had to take thee beautiful lilies.
 Watch that right hand Roxie!!!
 We stopped at a little pier and this water snake had just shed it's skin and was making a get away!
 Two Lovers!!!
 Back home on the cooler deck, playing Trivial Pursuit. Roxanne, being a teacher all her life, creamed us!! I think she read the cards when Irene and I went for a bathroom break...don't you Irene?
 We don't know why Kass brought this home, but he thought it might look good in the garden. Men have such a strange way of choosing garden ornaments! The cat liked it, but maybe it's a male too!

The next morning, Irene and I took the Ferry back to the mainland and drove  west to Belleville and to my home town.
That blog tomorrow!! 

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West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment! In love with a wonderful husband!! A Capreol Girl from 1959-1975, Belleville 1975-1985


Linda's Rambling and Other Things
