Friday, July 25, 2008



Here in Vancouver, the sun continues to shine brightly and warmly! I hear Ontario, is having a wet summer, so just hold on until I come home and I'll bring some of this liquid gold home with me. Why do they call it liquid gold??? Or have I used the wrong phrase???? Oh well....

What great plans does everyone have? You can tell me on the guestbook now and leave comments, because the dang thing works now, after months of frustration. So....what are you doing?
Pemberton, which is up along that mountain road we use to drive to the cottage, is holding a huge rock concert this weekend, with many great rockin bands, and popular singers. I sure hope the kids stay sober coming home, because that road, if it's the Duffy Lake Road, is scary as can be, with hairpin turns, and up one mountain and down another, and the whole time, I sat in the passenger seat, scared as can be, and when I got out of the car, my left leg was aching from stepping on the imaginary brake on my side, as well as having that sea sick feeling, plus, because we travelled with a cat and dog, I'd have cat throw up all over me and a curious dog that just had to watch the cat being sick, so was crawling all over me. Ohhh those were the days.....NOT!!
We had a big dinner today at Whole Foods. We went in for a bowl of soup and ended up, with each of us having meal. (Not cheap!) So, I can just sit back and watch 2 episodes of Coronation Street and not have to make dinner. Yahoooo!!
Hmmm, I think I just broke this chair I'm sitting on!! Hear that JOAN?? I hate these two matching little rocking chairs and have wanted to get new ones for ages, but Tom won't budge. They creak and make so much noise everytime you move in them! I just bent over to pick something off the floor and I heard a big SNAP. I broke something under there....teeee heeee!!
Toms kids have been rooting for me to get them changed also, but I have a feeling I'll have to crash to the floor before he'll consider buying new ones.
Well, that's my blog for tonight! I don't think I've missed more then 2 blogs since January. Can I keep it up??????
Have a good weekend!!!

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West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment! In love with a wonderful husband!! A Capreol Girl from 1959-1975, Belleville 1975-1985


Linda's Rambling and Other Things
