It has been a very busy long weekend in Vancouver and area this past few days, with events galore going on everywhere.
The Vancouver Gay Pride 09 parade, apparently had more then 530,000 people watching the brightly coloured 165 floats.
It was a very HOT, HOT, HOT weekend!!
The Festival of Lights wrapped up it’s fourth and final night of fireworks, that luckily, we can watch from our balcony. The paper said that 1.4 million gathered to watch the performance at English Bay and other viewing points along the nearby beaches.The Festival of Lights is a competition between 4 Countries, Canada, South Africa, UK, and China over a two week period. China won this years competition. The competition is judged on general concept of originality, quality of production, correlation of music and how well the the fireworks are synchronized to the music. Also, how well they fill up the sky like a painting and also use the bottom part by the water. They work with 50 different colours of good quality and long lasting as they explode in the sky. Apparently the bright blue is the most difficult to produce. One that holds the colour and stays in the sky the longest. These are the most expensive to make. We get to see the huge explosions and of course can’t hear the music, but it’s a great trade-off not to have to join the crowds and traffic.
The 2009 World Police and Fireman Games, also filled up the city this weekend, with various sport events and competitions that promotes physical fitness and camaraderie from teams around the world.
No, Tom did not participate!
Then Ambleside’s “Harmony Of The Arts”, is being held, and ends this evening.
This is held down at the end of our street, with many tents set up, full of wonderful crafts to the hearts delight of shoppers. Lot’s of entertainment and an outdoor concert in the evening.
This morning, Tom and I went for breakfast then a walk along the waterfront, and of course, I took the usual pictures, just different day!
Salmon Fishing
I just like the look of this old tree!
People in the water cooling off, and the beach beginning to get crowded with sunbather’s. It was only noon, when these where taken, so I imagine, there will hardly be a bare spot left by dinner time when the picnic people arrive.
Just thought these flowers looked pretty!
What DUD’S these tomato’s are!!! Full of mites or trips or whatever they are called. I’ve sprayed and they just get worse. I had pull out and destroy the nasturtium plants and geraniums and just trying to get enough nerve to get rid of these darn things, that I gave so much tender loving care to! I guess a big garbage bag right over the top and then yank them out, and then go buy some tomato’s elsewhere! John our friend, gives me some from his garden now and then and what a treat they are. So unlike those hard tasteless ones from the grocery stores.
I think next year, my plants will be bought at Michaels Craft Store!!
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