I'm a little late writing you this greeting, as most of you have already have a full belly, or else going back for a turkey sandwich before bed!
We just had a turkey breast and all the trimmings on Sat. Just Tom and myself and on Sunday we went to Meredith's for brunch, which was delicious!
Today, we went over to visit with Isabelle for a quick visit and then home and I went to bed! Racing around it too much for me anymore!
Friday, I took the bus and went over town by myself, as Tom was still suffering from this rotten cold that seems to be hitting everyone. (So far, so good for me!)
I was hoping for some nice Autumn pictures but we just haven't had those cold nights to turn the trees into beautiful colours, so there wasn't much to see this year.
It was a beautiful day for a walk! So, I walked along the sea wall on the city side.
Looking toward the North Shore. |
Remember The Olympic Flame? Now lit for special occasions. |
I've got to lose weight!! I think this building is going to fall over with me leaning against it!
Darn Blogger, now won't allow me to make these pictures larger. What a touchy program!!
However: you can click on each picture to make it bigger!!!!

Because the program is acting so erratically, I'm going to show just a few of each day's pictures. This is taking me ages to do this way.
Some cute little fellow's we came across on Saturday, when shopping in North Vancouver.
Then I went home and made these (look at these Lisa and Erin...remember these! However, I lost my knack and they didn't turn out with delicious runny syrup running out of them. I cooked them a few minutes too long!)
Heading over to Meredith and Dave's for brunch, and the sun was shining up between the buildings.
Brunch getting prepared.

Above: Wife Saver Breakfast, from Best of Bridge Recipe Book
It was ham and eggs and cheese and delicious and made the night before which is so handy when you have a crowd coming in the morning.
If anyone wants the recipe, just ask!!
It was sliced up, and we had ham and salad and more goodies. Delicious brunch Meredith and Dave and thank you!!
The future techie expert! Byron sure know's how to work an iphone!
Joan giving us a hat show! Actually, she was playing with her Grandson!
Cute eh? Cute again, but I like the black one! Coming home, we went through Stanley Park where it was PACKED with people out enjoying the beautiful weather. Before going over the Lion's Gate Bridge, are two big lions on each side. They decorate them with wreaths for whatever the season or reason. This is the best shot I could get, peering through the trees from overlooking the bridge.
Now we started home over the Bridge. Take a look at this fellow! Below: caught myself taking a picture of the construction and mess on our side of the Bridge. Today, we went to visit Isabelle, who went through a knee replacement on Tuesday.
She's doing well, but a little sore. Get well soon Isabelle! Very swollen, but on the mend! Well, my blog didn't show the pictures as I hoped, and I have to blame it on Blogger. It's acting very strange today and I think they need to make some improvements!
But wherever you are, it's a beautiful world and we have much to be thankful for in Canada. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day
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