It's me again, did anybody miss me?
I know I haven't been very good at blogging lately but these gloomy days of winter don't seem to inspire me to do anything!
How did everyone in Ontario make out with that big storm today? I miss many things about Ontario, however the snow isn't one of them!
For us here in Vancouver, we had been blessed with a lovely day. Sunshine...actually sunshine and not a drop of rain, but tomorrow we are back into the wet stuff! It's nice not to have to shovel it!
I bet the kids let out a cheer when they found out the school's closed for the day.
Tom and I went for a walk along the water toward my favourite little duck pond that I often show on here, and was surprise to see the duck pond almost frozen over.
I usually take some feed with me, but today, just forgot it at home. There where some open spots in the ice for them to still fish for food.
The Swans had their own area they hung around, swimming back and forth in the open water.
These two pictures, taken with the same camera settings, yet just in a few moment the sky changed!
What a difference a season makes! The first picture below was taken in the summer. The exact same spot was taken today.
What a difference eh?
I love these three sitting on the bench. If I recall the dogs name was Freckless.
I love the look on the mans face!
Ohhh no! The Canadian geese had more baby geese. Just what Canada needs....more Geese!!
After our walk, we came home for a wee nod! It seems so easy these days to have 40 winks each day that are becoming a habit.
I'm still struggling with my cold and on my second bottle of expectorant and gone through dozens of cough drops. The cold itself seems gone, it's just that darn stuff, that loves my lungs!
Tom is so fed up with me clearing my throat!
No sympathy from him!!
That's it for now!]
These pictures are really good. Yes changes in the season makes a difference in photograpic images. I hope that your congestion clears out. Do not let that settle in. Bronchitis is very seanky.