Friday, February 15, 2008


How, I wish, I lived closer to many, many of you! Sometimes, I feel so very far away from friends and family, and I DON'T LIKE IT!!! I miss my children, and grandchildren and the continious and frequent coming and goings of both friends and family. I miss coming home from work and seeing the side door ajar and big size 12 shoes sitting in front of the door, so I'd have to push my way in to see one of my grandson's or another family member, slunk down in the big comfy chairs in the living room, watching tv, and munching on goodies, from what was known as "their goodie cupboard".

I miss Lisa and Erin dropping in with a hamburger or chicken burger they picked up for their lunch break and would bring me one too and we'd enjoy, munching and talking about this and that and giggling about some funny thing. My grandsons would ask if they could stay the night, so that usually ment I'd treat them in the morning to a fabulous breakfast out before taking them to school. I miss Clare and Betty's vehicles pulling int the driveway, and quick knock at the door and in they'd come and tell me to get the coffee on!! We had just such great chats, and sometimes we'd all be gathered there together for some good talks and chuckles and the tea and coffee would be flowing.
I miss Norma's phone calls at any time of the day, asking what I was doing and then dropping everything to run to Tim Horton's for our daily coffee and chat! Or we'd decide to have a day of what we called "exploring", and go further afield to a couple of little towns scattered around us and visit all the little shops, have lunch, and just a great time.

Then Debbie would drop in and have me laughing within 5 minutes at some episode that happened to her. Laughing so hard, we'd choke on our coffee and end up spitting it at each other before we could swallow it.
My house was an open house, and I had many visitors in a day. Edith would drop over, with some neighbourhood juicy gossip, or Fern to complain about her husband or Arlene would pop, in, but my favourite visitor was John. We would laugh, and talk about college news and what was going on there. Or their car would pull up with all the family and tell me to get my coat, we were going for dinner, and off we'd go for evening of fun. Or we'd take off and just go to the movies or to a good play. Always fun!
In the summer time, I had the summer off because the Dept. where I worked was closed for the summer months, which was wonderful. But in those muggy hot days of summer, I'd put the coffee pot on, go sit outside before 8 am and before 9, the whole neighbourhood would go in my side door, pour themselves a coffee and come out the other door to grab a lawn chair, sit on the swing, or take a place on the cool grass in the shade and we'd all enjoy a wonderful morning of chat and what was new. Such great memories of those times.

I miss home sometimes, I miss my house, friends and my job, which was really more entertainment then what I felt was work. I really enjoyed it. I miss Lynn, Vernice and Lauren, and all those fun people who would drop into my office for a little visit and chat.

Life here in a condo is completely different living, people stick to themselves, although, I know them by first name, (if my memory doesn't fail). I can see them once and never see them again for weeks. Everyone sticks to themselves in the cities. I have one good friend but she's going through some health issues right now, so don't get to see her much. BUT!!!! I do have a great husband, a friend, companion and is much fun!! I have a computer and a phone, and without them I'd sure be missing everyone even more.

To to all those friends out there, I miss you so much!!!!
Linda, Dianne, Jen, Norma

Linda and Norma

Eva and John

Norma and Clare (sorry Clare, not a great picture!)

I wish I had my pictures from home, and I could show you some great ones!!! Another trip home and I'll bring them back. That's it folks....all for now..

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great to have all those wonderful memories! Even if you can't see your friends as often, you can still think of the times spent with them and the enjoyment and fun you had.

    Auntie I


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About Me

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West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment! In love with a wonderful husband!! A Capreol Girl from 1959-1975, Belleville 1975-1985


Linda's Rambling and Other Things
