Can you imagine this fellow coming through the bush at full charge towards you??
To protect yourself, lay and play dead they say, or hit him hard on the snout or poke his eyes out!
I doubt very much, I'd remember any of this, as I run faster then I've ever ran before!! Poke his eyes out...look how small they are! Look how big his snout way could I hit that big thing hard enough to inflict injury!
We stopped at a "Bear Beware" display and I took a few close-ups, along with saying a silent prayer, I'd never meet up with this nightmare!
More photos' of another walk along the water.
See that fellow standing on some kind of board, way out in the middle of the picture? He was just paddling along...what great balance!
A little closer up.
Away he goes, right under the Lions Gate.
Turn my head in the opposite direction from the Ocean and I pass this beautiful spot.
Beautiful with all the Spring blooms in full regalia!
Some sleepy birds!
Sleeping with one eye open and pooping right where he sleeps!!
Talk about multi-tasking!!
This guy can do it all on one leg!
Can you spot this bird below?
I hope everyone had a nice Easter!
I'm a little slow on an Easter theme blog! I'm slow with everything anymore it seems!
Happy 3rd Birthday to Byron.
One candle out, two to go!!
This is Byrons little sister Taya, and their Grandmother Joan.
Aren't they both cuties!!
Today, has been a VERY LAZY day!! I haven't gotten dressed, and slouching around reading, playing on here, talking on the phone, and doing it all over again, as I try to stay away from the fridge and stick to this "going nowhere diet!"
The scales refuse to move, but maybe if I moved more, they would too!!
Ah well...tomorrow's another day!!
Maybe it won't rain!!!
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