Here's some more pictures of what I enjoy seeing on my walks.
The lonely beach on a cool day, but give it some warm days (if they ever arrive), and the beach will be packed.
A fishing boat out looking for a good catch.
The swans are out doing their patrol of the lagoon.
Not as many ducks around lately. I think they've discovered the bigger pond. (Ocean)
When I got to where these dogs were, they had all been sitting on the log with their tails towards me and now and then the end dog would tumble off. It reminded me of the song "Ten Little Indians, sitting on the bed, one fell off and the other one said...roll over, roll over..."
Come on....give a fellow some room!!!
This was a very windy and cold day. I couldn't make up my mind which direction to walk, and decided the walk the Seawall to Dunderave.
Looking up our street.
Spring flowers are beautiful!
Wrong move! Should have gone the other way! I was walking into the wind and was it cold! I had to put my hood up and tie it tight. I felt kind of silly looking when I could see everyone walking towards me, with no hats or looking cold, but people would pass me, and like me, they also had to bend into the wind to walk and had their heads covered with scarves or hats.
This walk should count double calories burned!
That's the Lion's Gate..waaaaaaayyy back there!
That pier ahead is my goal! Where did all the people go??
Whew...out of breath, but I made it!
Dunderave, or Dunderaaave, depending on how posh you want it to sound is a lovely little place. This is where I stop and have a coffee.
Beautiful bright red tulips!
And pretty pink ones!
I don't know what these are called, but they will look spectacular when they are all in bloom.
Another day...another walk! Going in the opposite direction now, to my favourite spot...The Lagoon!
Below, is at the end of our street and what sat for years as an old gas station site. Ambleside has started to change it to something more beautiful then a weed filled fenced in..nothing!
It's not finished yet, but we have a new sculpture of a "Man of Many Words" least that's what I call it.
The next picture is the street opposite.
All the streets are full of colour this time of year.
I started my walk at 7 am and already men are hard at work. They are grooming the beach and moving the logs into place, and pulling up the new ones that have floated in.
The welcome to Vancouver man! What a beautiful, calm day, compared to yesterday!
The Lagoon! I really love sitting here, it's so peaceful and so pretty. Good place to just think and be glad to be alive!
Nice reflections in the early morning sunlight.
Oops! What happened here?? A dead bird up in the tree and a crow getting ready to feast!! Life in the wild eh!
Okay Linda....time to move on!
There's a coffee waiting for you at Starbucks, not too much further.
I think I'm all alone, and suddenly a jogger will whiz pass me and disappear and I feel, so SLOW!!
Entering my 2nd favourite part of this walk, where I head into the woodsy area, before meeting up with the back part of Park Royal shopping centre.
I love it here, the birds are singing, and I find myself humming as I walk along.
Ahhhh, my destination! Starbucks, a hot coffee, soft seat, and beautiful scenery, even from here!
Heading home, I take a different route again. Through some little woods, and along a groomed trail beside the athletic fields. Much more noise here as Marine Drive follows along on the other side.
But, look at the sites along the way!
I should have taken some time to remove that telephone line, but never noticed it until now.
Home again!!
Hope you enjoyed my walk with me! I must find some new routes to take you along with me! I know of another very pretty one, but a little leery taking it through the woods without Tom with me.
Maybe next nice day, we'll go that way!
Beautiful photos! Thank you for taking us along on your walk.